Gresham Hotel

1873 to 1874

The Gresham Hotel, on the southwest corner of North Terrace and King William Street, stood on one of Adelaide’s most prominent commercial sites. Built in 1873-74, the architect was possibly Daniel Garlick. A plain building, it had a large cast iron verandah and balcony, with columns grouped in pairs to emphasize the cut off corner and the principal entrance.

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4 thoughts on “Gresham Hotel

  1. From The Advertiser, 29/11/2014
    1930s – The Millwoods Gresham Hotel viewed from NW corner of North Tce & Kng Wm St Intersection

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  2. I have found a photo of the north end of King William St that includes the Gresham Hotel. It is dated 1860 to 79 but does not appear to have the balcony or verandah you mention. zoom here:
    The billiard rooms seem to be on the corner and not the hotel. Regards Jim

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