Government Offices

Also known as:
Torrens Building
1880 to 1881

The Torrens Building is one of the State’s most notable surviving purpose-built Government office buildings.  Completed in 1881 it was the largest public building of its period and one of the largest buildings in the city.  Other government office buildings of comparable significance that are State Heritage Places are the former Treasury Offices in King William Street and the Adelaide Railway Station. It is the first building erected on the site and was used continuously for Government Offices for over a century.  Notable occupants have included the Registrar-General and the Public Works Department and its successors.  The building is also of architectural significance as the best remaining example of Renaissance Palladian style architecture in Adelaide that quality reflecting the significant role of government agencies in the development of the State.

Current status and listings

ACH Status:
Heritage Protection:
NTSA Listed, State Heritage Listed
State Heritage ID:

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